Professor Hany Farid : The Promise of AI

The promise of AI

The promise of AI

Professor Hany Farid, called the “father of digital forensics,” discusses exciting developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and the threats and opportunities presented by fully synthesized content, including the current concern about deep fakes. He offers real-world examples, as well as stories of his own work. He also suggests the need for fundamental change in the business model for the technology sector, especially in the context of AI in industrials and machine learning.

Mr. Farid is a professor of at the University of California, Berkeley, with a joint appointment in electrical engineering and computer sciences and in the School of Information. His research focuses on digital forensics, forensic science, misinformation, image analysis, and human perception. He has collaborated with DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to combat fake content since 2016.

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Discussion Points

  • Exciting breakthroughs in AI and ML
  • Deconstructing deep fakes: meaning, benefits, and potential risks
  • Actions required to combat the risk of deep fakes
  • Hany’s memorable project: A forensic analysis of the Lee Harvey Oswald backyard photos
  • Hany’s prediction for the technology sector − a brand new business model and selling point
  • Potential areas of success for emerging tech companies
Hany Farid on LinkedIn Hany Farid at Berkeley

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